
Summer storms rolling in over the mountains

Summer storms rolling in over the mountains

Friday, August 28, 2009

New job, here I come!

It must have been all the well wishes and text messages because I got the job! Well actually, I was offered a different job than I interviewed's the full story:

Wednesday was my first in-person interview with the company. It went well and I really liked the girl I talked with. She said she would like to invite me back the next day to talk with the other HR representative and potentially meet the head executives and company owner. So the next day I dressed back up and headed over for a two-hour interview which ended as a group interview with the whole company. Good thing I was psyched up for that! The executives are fantastic and super bright and I thought it went well, but, hey who knows! I got a call the next day from both HR representatives telling me they would like to offer me a job but not the one I applied for. The higher-ups in the company decided I was over qualified (their words, not mine!) to be an assistant/receptionist and were going to create a new position specifically tailored to editing, creating and researching for their technical department! Basically, it's exactly what I did for two years at the Collegian- online editing and using multi-media. Awesome! And with more responsibilities comes...a higher paycheck. :-)

I'm getting ready to fax back my signature on the official offer and I start Sept. 8! Can't wait to shop for more professional clothes!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Proud parent

Last night was graduation...tear. My little Henry is growing up and graduated valedictorian from Puppy Obedience last night. His teacher gave him a new toy (which ribbetts, grrrrrrreat) and he carried it out of Petsmart, to the car, up the stairs, into the house and then to sleep.

Not going to lie I feel a little like one of those obnoxious dog parents who dotes too much and takes too many pictures but, hey, he's my child! And speaking of pictures, his picture at graduation is to the left.

On the job front, the interview went very well! Thanks for your comments and thoughts yesterday! I have another interview with all of the employees at the firm today at 3. Fingers crossed! They said they would also be able to use my French (and 10 Italian words) because they order things from other countries all the time. Fun! On top of that, they have the most beautiful office I have ever seen! Again, if you watch Boston Legal it is just a cool as the offices of Crane, Poole and Schmidt.

Miss you all. Love you all.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Bring on the college boys!

Kidding! However I do have one thing to say for the vast majority of CU undergrad boys I have seen: nice. They are all in super good shape, mostly from out of state and very good looking. One came in the store yesterday...super cute. :-)

Anyway, since I have no interest in dating anyone under 23, they are out. Plus, I'm already living with the best looking blonde man in Boulder!

Another funny college note: have any of you former sorority girls tried to remove those white letters from your car? WOW. They are really meant to make you "Pi Phi For Life." It took me 30 minutes, paint thinner and a knife to get them off. I did leave my K-State sticker on the back, right above my Colorado license plates!

Job hunting news: I officially turned down the job at Anthropologie. I promise to still be an avid customer. No problem there! My interview is Wednesday morning so keep me in your thoughts and I'll let you know how it goes!

Love to all.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Is that really all I'm worth?

This post is a little rant/a little sorrow/a little hope all in one. I got my official offer from Anthropologie today and all I will say it was not at a salary I could live Boulder. In Kansas City I would say a decent salary for college kids with part-time jobs would be about $8. In Boulder, because of the higher cost of living, it is considered to be $10. Anthropologie's offer was between these two numbers.

I kindly told the super sweet manager that I would have to think about it. I feel so bad I couldn't immediately jump at the offer but I would have to get a second (and if you count The Amazing Garage Sale, third) job just to live for a year before law school! Yikes!

However, I am a strong believer in Karma. Ten minutes after I hung up with Anthropologie I got a call from a downtown financial firm where I had applied to be the Office Manager. After the phone interview I got an offer for an in person interview next Wednesday. It would be a full-time (poor Henry!) well paying job but I'm sure there are a lot of very qualified applicants. We shall see!

Not sure exactly what I am going to do- a week ago I thought I had a job in the bag...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Home, Sweet Little Home

In the grown-up world it is a good idea to take pictures of your permanent residence for insurance purposes. And my purchasing home insurance is a funny story in itself. So I called Geico, as they already provide my car insurance, and set up a home insurance plan. I had no idea how much coverage I should get for the things inside my condo so I just said the normal amount for a condo would be fine. After I hang up I go to my mom and tell her I got SUCH a good deal on home insurance! It would only be $350 a year! Her first question was "how much coverage do you have?" I told her the normal for a condo was $45,000. Her reaction: WHAT??! What on earth do you have in that little place that adds up to $45,000? My answer: well, nothing, I just thought more was better. So after calling Geico back, I have much less (which is much more appropriate) and it is cheaper!

So, in the end, here are the pictures many of you requested of my little home in the mountains. It's very antique-full and Henry decided he wanted to be in one of the pictures. Don't let it fool you though, he hardly ever gets to sit on the couch!

PS- Most of the pictures are at the bottom of this page so you have to scroll through the other posts to find them.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I want to BE Alan Shore and MARRY Brad Chase

If you've ever seen Boston Legal you know that Alan is the best lawyer and Brad is the best looking- he's kind of like a Ken Doll with a law degree. Those are my two goals for the next ten years. Julie's blog post inspired me to post a little on marriage as I too have been invited to 9 weddings between May and November of 2009.

Unfortunately I couldn't go to all of them but I have both enjoyed and learned something at each wedding I have been able to attend. I have learned both how I want to feel on my wedding day and how I want the whole day to transpire.

In addition to Julie's post I was recently reminded of weddings by thinking back to times on the Italian beach with Rachel and Jenn. We spent hours (no joke) describing our perfect man and perfect husband. This fact alone has led me to feel that the only two things I want out of my wedding day are the groom... and the ring. But believe me, I will be much pickier about who the groom is!

And speaking of Jenn and men, Jenn and her boyfriend, AD, will be paying a visit to Boulder tomorrow and staying for a few days! I can't wait to meet him and see Jenn and pass my judgement on if he fits all the qualities she named that fateful day on the Venetian beach.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Anthropologie, here I come!

After my five minute, second interview they hired me! I get the "official call" Friday with salary offer and start date. Exciting! Although it has nothing to do with my major, it will be a fun way to make some money and spend some time at a fun store- read carefully, that did NOT say "spend some money at a fun store". I'll need to watch that! :-)

Well the other good news is related to Henry. After a VERY long week with one of those huge plastic collars to keep him from itching at his stitches (he lost his "manhood" last week) he gets to have a collar-free day tomorrow! It's perfect timing as one of his last puppy obedience classes is tomorrow night and I think he has been taking advantage of my sympathy this week.

Next mission: get a volunteer-ship at a law firm.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Interview #2 Tomorrow!

Just got a call from Anthropologie that I am asked back for a second interview tomorrow! Keep me in mind tomorrow about 1:00!

I'll post again tomorrow to let you know how it goes but so far I love all the girls I have met who work there. They all have a lot on the ball.

"Where I lived and What I lived for"

First of all, if you get the nod to Walden by Thoreau in this title, you are either a Unitarian or a little nerdy. :-) Second, this post is about work and what I've been up to!
Currently I work on Saturdays and Sundays at The Amazing Garage Sale.
It's a super fun blend of retro and modern furniture and working for Judi keeps you on your toes!
I've applied at Anthropologie- hopefully I will have an update on the results of that interview this week. While working retail (and making money so I can actually live here in Boulder) I'm also going to intern/volunteer/provide free slave labor at a law firm. I think that will greatly help my chances of CU acceptance next year!

From talking to friends who are looking for jobs, there seems to be a consensus that you can't get a job unless you have work experience. Great for employers, terrible for college graduates. I have felt once or twice that maybe I should have spent the last four years working instead of studying and I might have a few more job prospects!

My Reading List

When I moved to Boulder I was still waiting to hear from the University of Colorado as to if I would be attending this year or next year. Well, they said next year (fingers crossed) so I applied for a few jobs...more on that later. In the present time, I have had lots of time to read so I thought I would share my reading list!

1. Bram Stoker's Dracula
2. Carl Sagan's Cosmos
3. George Stephenopolis's All Too Human
4. Barbara Walter's Audition
5. Cosmo Magazine (haha, thought I would throw that in there)
6. The Perfect Mile
7. Letters from a Skeptic
8. Voltaire's Candide

Up in the Near Future:
1. Finishing Audition by Barbara Walters
2. Beach Music
3. True to Form by Elizabeth Berg
4. Galileo's Daughter


Thanks to my other blogging friends and the extreme peer pressure to join the fray, I have started my Boulder Blog! Full of Colorado livin', Henry lovin' and, hopefully, time spent workin' I hope you enjoy!

I'll begin like Princess Alice: the things I have learned about Boulder:
1. Everyone LOVES the environment. While this does include loving nature, what I am talking about is protection of the environment to the point of using compost-able bags to pick up their dog poo.
2. Prius is the new yuppie car. Goodbye oversize SUVs! If you want to be a yuppie in Boulder, you must drive a Prius, preferably complete with an array of liberal bumper stickers.
3. Boulder weather is AMAZING! Just when it starts to get a little too toasty, it starts cooling down for the night. Plus, thunderstorms rolling in over the mountains make for great sunsets.
4. Everyone exercises. I will be out with Henry at noon and see people walking, hiking, biking, jogging, parasailing, rock climbing etc. When does everybody work?
5. Everything MUST be organic. Seriously. Someone in my condo complex puts carrots and lettuce out for the rabbits that live under the bushes but the rabbits won't eat the food. The standing joke is that the lettuce isn't organic so the Boulder rabbits won't eat it.
6. Last on the list is simply that I LOVE living here. Each day is fun and beautiful. And for those of you who were wondering, I have not grown dreadlocks, smoked pot or gotten a tattoo.

Sheep Herding

Sheep Herding
Graham is here to visit for the summer and he and Henry are um...coming to terms with each other.