
Summer storms rolling in over the mountains

Summer storms rolling in over the mountains

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009


It's a little too early for a post on New Year's resolutions, but I had to convey my EXCITEMENT over my visit to Kansas City! I'm looking forward to seeing you all and ringing in the New Year in style.

This will otherwise be a short post because snow melt is all that's happening right now.

Date news: last Saturday was fun but with no lasting potential. Going out with someone new in the next week!

Work news: things are still going well but have been slow lately. Glad to have some fun freelance work to keep me busy.

Bathroom updates: a few of you may have heard that my other bathroom got remodeling a little bit sooner than I would have liked. After a flood, it is nearly 100% put back together, thank goodness.

Henry: gosh, he's gotten so big! The not-so-little guy is constant entertainment and still growing!

Boulder news: my new favorite thing is driving by the dog park on my way to work. At 7 AM after a snow, the park is full of...cross country skiers! That's right, as soon as snow hits the ground people bring out their skis and the dogs run along side. In the morning there are probably on average 75-100 skiers.

Other: went to see the Nutcracker at the Denver Opera House. Super fun! Will definitely be going back for future ballet and symphony performances.

Have a wonderful week and you're all in my thoughts! Warm wishes!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

New Scenery

Hope you like the new layout! Just sprucing things up a bit in here for the holidays.

And speaking of holidays...I hope all my faithful readers had a rock star wonderful Thanksgiving! Henry and I ventured to sunny and dry Arizona to visit my family. Yes, that's right, there are no longer any Aldredges living in Kansas. My parents flew the mid-western coop only 3 short weeks after I did and are loving Sedona, AZ.

So how did we get to Arizona for Thanksgiving? A plane. And did Henry fly? Absolutely. If you remember a few weeks ago I went on a little rant about small, yappy dogs getting to fly in the cabin and my well-behaved Henry flying down below. Well, it actually went surprisingly well and Henry was an ANGEL. Not only did he ride the shuttle bus with me from the parking to the terminal, but he walked through the terminal, up the escalator (Will Ferrel in Elf- style: he was totally spread out over about 4 steps) and right to the check in. Flying with a large dog ranges from $100 to $200 each way and Henry's kennel weighed it at $150. However, they said if he grows an inch he will need a bigger kennel. Pretty sure he's already grown that much since last week.
It was great to see my family and Henry was a very happy grandchild.

Other news: I have a date Saturday night from my Boulder dating thing! I'm sure more will be posted on the results of said date next week so be watchin' for that.

After chatting with a bunch of Kansas friends, I am trying to work out a way to visit for New Years! I can't imagine a better way to celebrate 2010 than with all of you! So, if I can get a day or two off of work, I will make the long, boring journey down I-70 for a few glasses of champagne and some overdue time with my girls.

Love you all and have a wonderful week!

Sheep Herding

Sheep Herding
Graham is here to visit for the summer and he and Henry are um...coming to terms with each other.