
Summer storms rolling in over the mountains

Summer storms rolling in over the mountains

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


This post is about a week late but is on a topic that has been in the news and on all of our minds for long time. The shooting in Arizona is an atrocious example of the worst of politics in America and the sway that power-hungry politicians have over the mindless masses.

Friends of the Arizona shooter say he was incited by a brief conversation he had with the congresswoman and felt she did not adequately address his concerns. So he shot her? Granted, he was already a volatile personality but we watch politicians throw daggers and shoot bullets (figuratively) every day on television. We hear Sarah Palin say things like "it's time to reload!" To someone like this guy, did he take it all a little too literally? Did the words, the jabs, the unbelievable negativity that has become American politics justify, in his mind, taking action?

The attitude of "We care more about beating the other party on this bill than actually passing it" has become so prevalent that it's no wonder someone took negative political rhetoric to the next level and caused injury.

In the heartbreaking ceremony after the shootings, Obama called on everyone to inspire love with their words and to stop the negativity. In my opinion, his words cannot be put into action fast enough. Politicians: concentrate on the things you were elected to do, get off Fox news, stop making reality shows, quit campaigning for re-election two years in advance and make your actions and speech a positive example for the American people.

Our thoughts go out to the families of the victims, to the congresswoman making a miraculous recovery and to the 9 year old girl he shot, who will never have the chance to be the public servant she wished to be someday.

As Gandhi said, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

Thursday, January 6, 2011

5 down, 360 to go

On the early morning of Day 6, 2011, do you have any resolutions? 2010 was a great year for many of us, despite the normal ups and downs that come with life changes. What do you hope for 2011? I already think it's going to be a great year.

Bryce and I are headed to Breckinridge to enjoy the snow this weekend! Then the next weekend, we're going to the Denver Rodeo. :-) Can't wait!

A few days ago, I found a big packet of Pi Phi letters in the mail! Our pledge class sent Christmas letters to everyone with photos and updates. It was so fun to see what everyone is up to these days.

And finally, a special note to my good friend who is having a very bad day. I'm thinking of you.

May 2011 bring much fun and much success in your life!

Sheep Herding

Sheep Herding
Graham is here to visit for the summer and he and Henry are um...coming to terms with each other.