
Summer storms rolling in over the mountains

Summer storms rolling in over the mountains

Sunday, September 27, 2009

God, sex and money

I could have copied Julie's last blog post title of "thoughts" but I thought two things: first, if you don't read something entitled "god, sex and money," what will you read? Second, these ARE my thoughts; my thoughts on relationships and how to make them work.
Before I begin I have to give credit where credit it due. These three things came from my parents former dance instructor who said she heard from a psychologist that all you need to figure out to make a relationship work are those three things: God, sex and money. THEN, when my dad was the preacher at a wedding this August (yes, you read that correctly. He was ordained on the Internet, not kidding) he imparted this wisdom on to the happy couple.

So, let me begin. If you can figure out those three things, you are set. Notice I did NOT say if you "agree" on those three things or if you can "compromise" on those three we all know agreement and compromise are unfortunately not parts of many relationships. Instead you simply must figure them out and discover where the other person stands on the issue and if you can handle (without trying to change) their stance on it.

First, there's God. Now if you are part of a non-God-fearing religion, you could substitute the "God" part of this post with simply "religion" or "spirituality". But at some point in every relationship, you will need to come to terms with the religious beliefs of the other party involved. And speaking from experience, do this sooner rather than later.

Second, there's that biological function that makes the world go round. It's how we got here but God forbid (pun intended) we don't think too closely about we particularly got here. If you can't figure out the details surrounding sex (ie- when, where, how etc.) it's going to be a constant battle.

Third is, as my dad said in the sermon, the root of all evil. Surprising that in a happy relationship you should be addressing the root of all evil, but things are going to get ugly if you can't figure out the when, the where and the how much of spending money. It's obvious that if you're dating the chronic overspender and you're a "save for a rainy day" person, it won't work but there are other money-related disagreements out there. What if someone starts making more money (the woman, perhaps???)? Will the significant other be able to handle it?

So, happy spending, happy snogging (for you HP fans) and happy churching. :-) Good luck and don't forget the three rules.

Finally, since so much of Boston Legal revolves around God, sex and money, where would we be without the quote?

"The law says if you shoot somebody with a shotgun mistaking him for a quail, you really should call the police. We're cowboys judge. we do what we want, whether its starting wars, changing daylight savings time, We like to play it fast and loose in this country, making it up as we go along."

-Who else but Alan Shore?? :-)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Not gonna lie, I'm kind of impressed

Well if any of you read the comment on my last blog post, you will know Comcast contacted me to offer a promotional package with - get this - just HBO and the local channels! I'm still thinking on it but might get it...
Either way, I'm pretty impressed.

Yesterday was one of my favorite days so far at work! Things rolled right along with all of my projects and everything seems to be making progress. There are 3 other 22-24 year old girls in the office and we are all going out for drinks after work tomorrow! But don't worry, none of you are being replaced, EVER! xoxoxo

The bathroom remodel is coming along as well. I've ordered the tile and the guys are going to start around the beginning of October- great timing to coincide with a paycheck. :-)

Boulder Weather Report: Monday was the last official day of summer nationwide and Mother Nature made this very clear to Boulder residents! When I talked to someone 15 minutes away on the phone at work she made the announcement: "It's snowing here!?!" The mountains (called the "high country" to locals) got the first big snow and other areas got flakes. For us, it stayed about 40 and just rained. My exact assesment would be that the last few days have felt exactly like Halloween (or Homecoming, for you K-Staters!) in Kansas. But, never fear, it's supposed to be 75 next week!

I'm looking forward to my next guest visit- my mom! She is leaving the boys to fend for themselves and coming out to visit her granddog (aka- Henry) and me Oct. 17. Should be a fun visit! More on that to come.

Well stay warm, stay happy and get ready for the Boston Legal quote of the day:
This quote is dedicated to Princess Alice who is missing some class due to H1N1 (or some equivalent). It is the Alan Shore way to practice trail law and if you've watched BL, you will know it's extremely effective.

Alan: Trust me?
Sally: I do.
Alan: And because you trust me, you'll believe what I'm about to tell you.
Sally: I will.
Alan: That's all it is.
Sally: All what is?
Alan: Trial law... ...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Dear Comcast, You are no Fair"

This is the beginning of the letter I would like to write to Comcast. See, the problem is I would like to get HBO and the 5 local channels. That's it. I don't want Better Home Gardening channels because I don't have a garden. I don't want sports channels because I don't watch sports. I don't even want the Food Network because they have an excellent website and I can visit them online. All of these superfluous channels come with HBO (where True Blood is playing as we speak) and I don't want any of those channels.

As for the local channels, I would like to watch the Bachelor when the new season starts in January and the news while I get ready in the morning.
Comcast, is this too much to ask?

The future of my television debacle will be covered in a future post...Wish me luck! :-)

In honor of fairness, here's another one of my favorite Boston Legal quotes:
Alan Shore: Let me tell you two things about myself. I too am a lawyer, I can be terribly vindictive, and I do not play fair.

Lester Tremont: That's three things.

Alan Shore: See? Not playing fair already.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Misses and the Hits

I would like to begin by saying just how much I have enjoyed reading everyone's insightful, inspirational and often downright hilarious blog posts! While I like knowing people are following me, I get much greater satisfaction from following you all.

There have been posts on love, life and change, (something these combined= breakup) and jobs and money. Because this year I had one of the biggest life-altering changes and moved out of Kansas, this post is dedicated to choices...and making the hard ones.

One of my daily calendar quotes (it's call the "rage-a-day inner bitch calendar, if that tells you anything) said "There isn't such a thing as balance because you know sometimes your job needs you and sometimes your kids need you. So just try to stand up for whatever the right priorities are at the right time." Wise words from your inner bitch.

Many of you know my last year in Manhattan I was getting a little more than cynical. I was tired of the frat boy-binge-drinking-Aggieville crowd and I was tired of the "highest" culture being considered the KatHouse Lounge. Most of all, I was tired of people telling me how much fun I was missing out on in Manhattan. Was I missing fun? I guess the answer is relative but my answer is a definite NO. was time to make a choice.

Yes, I chose Boulder for the law school but I knew when I moved there was a chance I wouldn't be attending for a year. Turns out that chance became a reality and it's a good thing I picked a town I actually wanted to live in sans law school. Moving was the best choice I could have made. For my own sanity and for my current and future happiness.

The true test of whether or not a choice was right or wrong could be your regret level a few weeks after. Regrets here? Nada. My only regret might be that I didn't go to CU for undergrad. However, that means I wouldn't have met all of you so that is not a regret at all!
Regrets I do have from school:
- Not stretching my mind more (thank God for French)
- Not telling people to bugger off when they asked me to go to the bars...again
- I should have gotten Henry a year ago- although my landlord prevented that!
- Not realizing you can't date someone just because they are nice

But, shoulda, woulda, coulda. It's all in the past and the present is...well...great! :-)

Remember: it isn't selfish to need a big change, it's often just what you need to get back to being YOU.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Glory of the Weekends

I would first like to admonish Princess Alice for addicting me to a new show. Not only is it probably going to require getting cable to keep up with Season Two, but I am wracking up Itunes fees while I catch up on Season One. What is the show? True Blood- a rated R version of Twilight. Love it.

Anyway, one week down of work! It was nice to begin with a three-day week since I really hit the ground running. I am lucky to work with an extremely pro-active, intelligent and organized computer programmer so I think things will be great.

Henry is handling the new job very well too! He absolutely loves the PetsMart Hotel and RUNS for the door! The sweetest girl named Amber has taken a particular liking to Henry and so I usually take him on days she is working. This morning Henry and I spent some special time together at the farmer's market downtown. Henry loves it because he gets a ridiculous amount of free samples and attention and I love it because it helps him practice walking close to me in crowds.

And, finally, the Boston Legal quote of the day: (For this one you need a little Star Trek background. William Shatner (aka- Denny Crane) was the star of the show Star Trek, hence the reference in this post).
Alan: "This book "A Stain Upon the Sea' it's all about these sea lice." Denny: "Interesting." Alan "They call them cling ons." Denny "Did you say Klingons?...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Newly 9-5

The long-awaited day of entering the "real world" has come and gone and somehow, I don't feel different! It was a successful, albeit long, day and I think this job is going to be a great fit.
Although I can't divulge all the projects I'm working on (not because they are classified but because that is terrible blog etiqutte) I can say I am working on web content and improving a variety of different websites. My "titre officiale" (official title) is Multi-Media Content Editor and I have my own little office and AWESOME Mac monitor!

I knew going in the biggest challenge of this job was going to be "speaking" the language of computer programmer. I spent a long time getting to know the tech team yesterday and they are super knowledgeable and very fun.

And finally, for the decision on the bathroom tile...the winner is... TILE NUMBER TWO!!! Thanks for your votes!

And the Boston Legal-ism of the day:

Alan: I'm a man of principles...
or not.. depends really on the situation...
--James Spader as Alan Shore

Monday, September 7, 2009

Who is your flamingo?

Again, a lovely reference to the greatest show on Earth: Boston Legal. In season 1 Denny and Alan dress up as flamingos together, complete with huge pink heads, wings, tights etc. (For the full effect, see photo below) For the rest of the series Alan and Denny, whenever they aren't getting along or need a friend to "pick them up", they reference that they are each other's flamingo.
What is a flamingo? Well, that's something to be answer by the individual. An acceptable definition may be someone who is willing to do something silly with you. Maybe a better answer is the other half to your Oreo, the stripes to your pajamas, the match to your candle. So today on this glorious Monday off, ponder the following: who is your flamingo?

(After winning a trial, addressing the media): "So many questions. One at a time, I'm only human. Actually I'm not, I'm Denny Crane"
--William Shatner as Denny Crane


Friday, September 4, 2009

Help me pick my bathroom!

Hi girls!
My first paycheck will be going to remodeling/fixing my dilapidated shower. So...I would love your help! I'm choosing between two tile options shown at left- one is darker with smears of browns, greens and taupes. The other is lighter and natural stone with little crystal pieces. There are close up pictures of each one and the tile has to match my green bathroom!

Choice on top= #1
Choice on bottom= #2

Vote for your favorite in the poll and I'll keep you posted on the project!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Last week of: freedom? poverty? boredom? time with Henry?

Today marks less than one week until I begin full-time employment and enter the land of nine-to-fivers. I'm actually really looking forward to it! I think the combination of making some money to save and doing something productive that will hopefully help me get into law school next year is very appealing. However, the prospect of not spending as much afternoon time with Henry is sad and scary! Like any single mother I worry about two things: how I'm going to pay for the care I want to give him and if he is going to bond with someone else. :-( So far my plan is to budget in two or three trips a week to the new PetsHotel at Petsmart - since he goes to obedience and to the vet there, everybody already knows and loves him!

In the "home news" category I am going to be spending my first paycheck to remodel my bathroom! This is my first remodel project on my little place and I knew it was coming. The current shower is falling apart therefore improving my caulking skills but that's only a temporary fix. As my parents LOVE to say "it's always somethin"!

Hope all is well with everyone else. I loved reading the posts on decision making and might have to post my own soon. So far my biggest worry with this job and law school is that a year won't be enough and two years will start to look better and better.

Until next time!

Sheep Herding

Sheep Herding
Graham is here to visit for the summer and he and Henry are um...coming to terms with each other.