Here's to an exciting 2011!
Summer storms rolling in over the mountains
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Merry Christmas to all!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed the day with all the special people in your life.
Monday, December 20, 2010
A Great Weekend
What a fun weekend. Bryce and I celebrated our one year anniversary Friday then went to Bryce's cousin's wedding on Saturday night. Although I feel I could use another day in the weekend, it was worth it!
We went to Morton's on Friday for dinner, which is a wonderful steakhouse in LoDo Denver. I had a request for this post to be "The Top 10 Reasons Bryce is So Cool". Any ideas who might have requested that? ;-) But Bryce is so cool and I hope we have many more anniversaries to celebrate. We're still excited to see each other, can compromise on a variety of things, have a great line of communication and enjoy doing a variety of things together.
Happy Monday to all my blog girls and guys!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Where's the snow?
For a Colorado winter, it's been a little light on snow! While some people might be excited about this, I'm ready for a big snow right around the holidays.
- Christmas cards go out this week! Keep an eye out in your mailbox. :-)
- Bryce and I will be celebrating our one year anniversary this weekend!
- The nasty cold I had two weeks ago feels like it is finally gone. If I owe some of you phone calls, promise I'll call soon now that I'm done coughing!
- Holiday shopping is in the works. I'm hoping to finish up by the 20th since I leave for Arizona the 20th.
- Christmas cookie baking! Lots of baking going on in the apartment. Meghan B. came over last week and we baked two types of Christmas cookies.
Have a wonderful Monday!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Henry, Henry, Henry
Oh Henry. Maybe it's a good thing his name works well with the saying on that old candy bar. Sometimes, "Oh Henry" is all you can say. But then, sometimes, "WTF Henry?" seems to be more appropriate.
Apparently Henry is a chocoholic. After eating 10 Butterfinger and Snickers bars Saturday night, he followed it up with an entire bag of chocolate chips the following evening. The candy bars were on the counter and the chocolate chips were in the front seat of my car...the little thief.
With that much chocolate in his system, he had to go to the emergency vet (emergency= expensive, as many of you dog owners know) to induce vomiting. The vet tech did mention his throw up looked like chocolate sauce and smelled great...
Henry is a very good dog. He listens well, doesn't jump, lick, bark or bite and is gentle around kids. He loves other dogs and has never gotten into a fight. He rarely eats things and even more rarely eats things from the counter. But enough is enough. He's in big trouble. He needs to know that his posh, comfortable and fun life gets really uncomfortable when he does bad things. As Bryce the Dog Whisperer likes to say, "He shouldn't get to be part of the pack." So from now on, when Henry eats something, he has to spend the night in the hall instead of on his bed. And, he'll be in big trouble. Ya hear that Henry?
Friday, October 29, 2010
Happy Friday!
Good Morning and Happy Friday to Everyone!
Whew it's cold outside! It seems like Colorado might have skipped fall and headed straight into winter! A few ski areas are already open and with the snow the rest of the mountains had this won't be long for the rest!
This is just a short Friday post to wish everyone a Happy, Fun and Safe Halloween! Eat lots of candy, drink lots of apply cider and keep your dog away from the pumpkin (who know pumpkin was a natural laxative for dogs?)!
Any fun costumes? Any fun plans? For our Halloween, I'm having long-time friend Meghan Burrow and her boyfriend over for dinner. We all plan to watch the crazy people on 16th street from the balcony. Should be top notch entertainment from the perfect distance...
Have a great day!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
A Tribute to Siblings
Last weekend I headed up to Boulder for to visit Graham, pick up my mail and let Henry go for a swim in the lake. Graham and I had a great visit and, while this won't be a long post, it's an important one because siblings are very special people.
Granted, Graham is totally too cool to read my blog so I could say he is "gay" (to use one of his favorite multi-purpose adjectives) and he'd never know. But the truth is, it's fun to visit him and now that we are older, he's more of a buddy than a little brother.
Graham will be 20 in about six weeks. When I realized he was not a teenager for much longer, I could barely believe it. Siblings surprise you because too often we think of them as a pest or as someone who can "push our buttons" but a good sibling relationship is like having an enduring friend.
Think of it this way: your brother and/or sister was there long before your spouse and will be there after your parents are gone. Your sibling could very well be the single person you know for the longest period in your life. If you don't have siblings, special friendships often fall into the very same category.
So that's why this post is dedicated to the unconditional friend, the brother or the sister in your life.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Fall is here!
This is such a wonderful time of year. Crisp, cool weather but it is still light until 7 each evening. Henry loves the hiking and long walks and living downtown is a blast!
Here are a few updates:
1. I'm golfing! Golf is actually incredibly fun and I've had a blast each time I've headed out for 9 holes. We had our company golf tournament last Friday and my team won the tournament. :-)
2. Garbanzos is my new favorite lunch place. It's like Chipotle with Greek food!
3. Dog Whisperer is an addicting show. Even though Bryce fancies himself the ultimate dog trainer, you can learn a lot from Caesar Milan!
4. I love the light rail in Denver and I've been taking the train to work at least 4 mornings a week. It's fantastic to sit back and relax with a book for 30 minutes in the mornings while someone else drives.
5. Downtown living is still great. I find myself dreading a 10 minute car trip because it seems soooo far!
6. Kristi's wedding in Kansas City was beautiful. It was wonderful to celebrate with Kristi and TK and see lots of Kansas friends!
That's all for now!
Hope all is well with each and every one of you.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The Pleasures and Dangers Of Downtown Living
Good Morning and happy last few days of August!
I hope all is well with each and every one of you. It's been a wonderful and fun change to go from living on the outskirts of Boulder to the center of Denver. Bryce likes to point out (in a surprised tone), "You're just fitting in so well!" That could be because he still thinks I'm a little bit Kansas-country, but that's still a label I'll take. :-)
There are many differences between country and city living. Some are fun, some are dangerous (in a good way) and some are just different.
1. Happy Hour is waaay way way to convenient.
2. You can go to dinner, a movie and to Walgreens without a car.
3. Grass is sparse and the dog "area" is always full of regulars.
4. On weekends, you get out of the city....because it is full of charity organizations on scavenger hunts and Chinese tourists asking for directions (I can't direct them where they need to go yet!)
5. Parking is coveted. Luckily, my building takes care of parking but it is super tricky to find a spot sometimes.
There are many, many more but you might have to come visit to see for yourself! :-)
Wine recommendation (way overdue): Zen of Zin Zinfandel. Dark and wonderfully drinkable with anything from cheese before dinner to pasta. Can be found for right around $10.
Movie recommendation: If you're brave enough, you absolutely must watch Food Inc. It's a very level-headed documentary about the food we eat, where it comes from and who controls it. The documentary opens the door to food subsidies and explains why milk is expensive but soda costs $.30 per bottle. It is a wonderful, eye-opening movie that will either turn you vegetarian or into a farmer's market worshiper.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
2602, life in a highrise
Well folks, it might be time to change the name of my blog because Bolder in Boulder doesn't exactly apply anymore. Bolder in Denver? Bolder in Downtown? We'll see!
About a week ago I packed up my things and headed downtown. Check out the pictures on the blog for a little peak of my new place! Now I have bar stools, a kitchen table and a few other things so it is looking less sparse slowly but surely.
So far, I love it. Henry is a riot and spends his entire day (and sometimes night) looking out the windows.
More to come!
Friday, August 6, 2010
The best advice I'll ever give on my blog
Here it is. The best advice to ever be given on my blog. Never, ever commute. That's it! Just never commute. By commute I don't mean a 20 minute drive. I'm talking highways and over an hour. I'm talking a commute where drizzle doubles your drive time and where an accident triples it. I hate driving. Those who know me know that I'm not a big fan of road trips and really don't enjoy the car in general. That being said, it makes it all the more miraculous that the distance I am currently driving to work is about 55 miles.
Luckily, it won't be forever. I'm still planning to move to Denver and a recent two-hour car trip home kicked my moving plans into high gear. My job at GolfTEC is still going very well and I feel like my commute has taken some enjoyment out of a fantastic new job. But, in the wise words of my dad, every inconvenient state is temporary.
Last night to break up my drive I stopped in Denver to take a walk with an old friend who is a new Denver resident! Meghan and her dog Autumn moved here about a week ago and we are thrilled to have them here!
Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
New job, busy life
Hello all,
Sorry for the long delay!
Bryce and I had a wonderful trip to Martha's Vineyard (pictures!) and then I throughly enjoyed my quick visit to Kansas City for Kristi's bachelorette party and bridal shower.
While in the Vineyard, we spent time on the beach, went sailing, rented jet skis and took a day trip to Boston. All very fun! The bridal shower was beautiful and we bridesmaids had a great time taking Kristi out for a night at the Power and Light!
Monday I started my new job and so far, it's looking great! I already feel in sync with a lot of things and the rest of the marketing team has really taken the time to show me the ropes. GolfTEC has a great training process for newbies which includes some golf, learning the sales ropes and a meeting or two to learn their internal company database. Overall, it's a chill vibe with a face-paced marketing strategy. I think I'm going to like it!
The only downside has been the commute (Haven't gotten to see Henry as much as I would like lately) and deciding where I'm going to move to in Denver. Graham is planning to transfer from an Arizona community college to Colorado and live in my condo! It's great because someone will be watching Henry while I move and, of course, I'll be able to visit a family member close by.
More on my potential move later!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Whirlwind Week
Happy Saturday!
What a week. Too many decisions, too little time. In a very short time I was facing choosing a new job, a potential move to Denver, waiting to hear from other jobs and (my choice at the time) sitting there doing nothing!
"It all will seem better in the morning" applied last week and I woke up knowing exactly what I wanted to do. So, you're talking to the new Digital Marketing Specialist at GolfTEC! GolfTEC teaches more golf lessons per year than any other company and is located right outside of Denver. They have a putting green in their office and do tv, radio, online and print ads- a marketing person's dream! Check 'em out at
I start July 12 and I'm excited to hit the ground running. The late start date was one of my requests of GolfTEC because I need a vacation. Bryce and I are off to Martha's Vineyard in a few short days to enjoy a relaxing week on the east coast. Maybe we'll head into Boston for a game at Fenway park while we're there!
As soon as I get back from the Vineyard, I have another, incredibly important event to attend! Krisit's Bridal Shower is coming right up! I leave for KC the 9th, come back to Boulder the 11th and start at GolfTEC the 12th. With all that traveling, I am happier than ever that Graham is visiting this summer. He is saving me hundreds of dollars in PetsHotel bills and, of course, I know Henry loves hanging out with him.
Today, I have a list of four Denver apartments to check out. I'm just planning to test the waters and see what's out there. I probably wouldn't move until August at some point. I'll keep you posted!
It's actually been a slow wine week but I have a champagne recommendation! Ferrari Italian sparkling wine is the most incredible champagne ever. At close to $50 bucks it's a splurge. I bought it at the wine tasting we went to a while back for a discount and have been saving it for a special occasion! I think a new job is just the way to celebrate. Enjoy!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude
Hello, hello!
It's been a few days! What a week of changes for me. Whether you like Jimmy Buffett or not, his song (the title of this post) really sums up the past week. As of last Tuesday, I am no longer with the financial company where I was Marketing Director. Things had spiraled downhill after my wonderful, talented boss left the company and I am a happy camper about the way it worked out.
New opportunities have been flying my way and I am so lucky to have choices. Independence and choice. Two things we take for granted so often. In my next job I am looking for a better work-life balance and a more creative atmosphere. And let's be real: I'm 22. Why work at a stressful job?
Speaking of being 22...23 is right around the corner! July 3 is the big day. Bryce and I are thinking about a little vacation (much needed!) so more details to come as that develops.
Other updates: Graham is still here chillin' and biking! Bryce and Graham are pretty darn funny. From exchanging inappropriate Danny McBride quotes to Graham spitting water at Bryce and Graham calling Bryce's sunscreen "gay" they are a source of constant foul language and hilarious comments. Geez boys.
Thanks to everyone who has been wildly supportive of my career change. I couldn't be happier with the way things worked out and truly look forward to a the next digital marketing job!
My contact info in case you don't have my old 913 number: 913.837.0571 and
Have a wonderful week!
Wine recommendation of the week: Hands down, Evolution white wine is the choice of the past week. It's the ideal summer wine and there is no year and no grape variety, just look for Evolution with a sweet label. Enjoy with any dish and drink it when it's nice and cold.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Things are heating up!
Whew, 97 degrees! That's toasty for early June in Colorado! I'm giving serious consideration to shaving Henry because the poor guy is having a tough time dealing with the hot weather. While he might end up looking incredibly goofy, he'd at least be more comfortable.
This weekend Graham headed to Angel Fire, New Mexico for a big bike race so I spent the weekend in Denver with Bryce and Henry. We had brunch at Parallel 17 and went to the Boulder Farmer's Market where I got a beautiful purple and white hanging flower basket (pictures to come).
We ended the weekend with Jazz in the Park, a fun event set next to the Denver City Park lake with a live Jazz band and a relaxed summer atmosphere. Earlier on Sunday we went to REI (a sporting goods store) and got camping chairs that have WINE glass holders. That's right, instead of the normal drink holder, it has a slot for the stem of a wine glass. So after a quick trip to World Market for two plastic wine glasses, we went to Jazz in the Park with a bottle of 2008 Artesa Chardonnay.
One of the highlights of the weekend was a visit to the Denver Museum IMAX. I would highly recommend the IMAX called "Hubble". It is a 45-minute film narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio about the Hubble space telescope. It includes extraordinary footage of pictures Hubble has taken and documents the shuttle mission in 2009 where the astronauts repaired and upgraded the telescope. Very cool stuff.
Stay cool and have a great week!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Reunion, Rockies and a 3-day weekend!
Hello All!
It's Monday, 9:30 AM and I'm typing to you! Happy Memorial Day! Aren't three-day weekends just the best? And this weekend has been packed full of beautiful weather and fun activities.
Saturday was a fun day and Bryce and I met in Denver to go to the shooting range. Of all the sports we play and things we do, there's only one that I can actually hold my own against the guys- shooting. The dudes at the range always attribute this to our female ability to multitask and take direction well. Combine that with no male ego and women are usually a great shot. It was a fun day and we went out for some Mexican food that night!
One of my great friends, Ally, turned 23 yesterday. She had her own fun weekend of tattoos and sky diving planned but managed to meet a few of us girls for Bellinis and brunch Sunday morning. The weather was perfect and bottomless Bellinis kept the conversation flowing! (Trivia: A bellini is a champagne cocktail that originated in Venice and is named after the artist Bellini, not to be confused with Bernini, the sculptor of Angels and Demons fame)
After brunch, I met Bryce for the Rockies game. We had awesome seats and after a little confusion of getting the tickets printed (note: don't use Stub Hub for Rockies tickets) it was an awesome day.
Finally, the super crazy reunion. A few weeks ago, I got a facebook message from an old high school friend. He said he saw me walking in Denver and wanted to grab a beer sometime. The crazy part is my high school in Kansas only had 100 students and I hadn't seen Cale in about 5 years because he graduated a year earlier than I did. Last night I met him for a beer where he works downtown and reminisced at who was married to each other from our high school. It really is a small world!
Hope the weather is treating you well and you've taken advantage of the long weekend. And to all the teachers out there: congratulations of a great year and summer break!
Wine recommendation: Wow where to start. We went to an amazing wine tasting last week with more than 150 bottles. After the wine tasting, you could order your favorites for a nice discount. Bryce found a Merlot he loved as well as a few great Pinots (of course). I bought a bottle or two of Shiraz but there was one wine in particular that deserves a special note. It was the most deja vu wine experience EVER. It tasted exactly like being back in France with Rachael! So Rach and Meghan, you absolutely have to try this: 2008 Descendients Petalos Del Bierzo a wonderful red Spanish wine. Unfortunately, runs about $26 per bottle, but for a special night on the patio, it's perfect! Enjoy.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Emily's Fun House
As you likely noticed from the picture, Graham is here! We have a fun, full house and I have a full-time Henry sitter. Coming home to a tired dog instead of dog ready to go for a long walk is pretty nice. And when I want to head to Denver for dinner with Bryce, Graham and Henry veg together and watch movies.
Last weekend I bought something I had wanted for a clubs! I've been to the driving range twice and Bryce and I plan to play nine holes Saturday morning. So far my golf knowledge is mostly Internet-derived so a lesson might be in order before I develop a bunch of bad beginner habits. After driving the beverage cart at a golf course for two years in college, I thought it was high time I actually learned to play the sport. And hanging around serving beer automatically gives you some good skills, right? Osmosis? Okay, maybe not.
Work is keeping me extremely busy and I have learned a host of new skills in the past few months. From e-mail campaigns to setting up AdSense accounts and monitoring Google AdWords systems, my marketing ability has increased tenfold. And I'm very lucky to have some great girlfriends at work! We've spent some great afternoons eating sushi and going shopping.
Tonight Bryce is coming up to Boulder and we are making dinner at Chez Moi with Graham. Should be a fun, relaxing evening part...tomorrow is Friday!
Wine recommendation: Monte Lindo Argentina 2008 Bonarda. This was honestly one of my favorite wines I have tried for a long time! It was dry but fruity and extremely easy to drink. There is no alcohol taste whatsoever which is one of the reasons I am not a huge Cabernet fan. It's a gorgeous deep, dark purple and if you don't like oak or smokey wines, this would be an excellent choice. Best part: you can find it for about $11!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
A year ago this week...
This time last year many of us were graduating from college. It's hard to believe only a year has passed because things are so different from Wednesday Chapter nights, Pita Pit, keg beer and finals week.
While I can't speak for my fellow '09 graduates, personally, I feel so far away from that world. Is it because I don't live in KS anymore? Is it because of the long hours and often high stress of my job? Is it because I was so desperate to be in a more mature place when I was in college? Hard to say. But looking back, I've learned a lot and as a note to the 2010 graduates, here's some lessons for your first "real world" year.
1. Apply for jobs like it is your job. Set a goal for yourself and sit at your computer until you have submitted that number of applications. Do it every single day. Things rarely fall into your lap so make searching for a job a full time job.
2. Go out on a limb. In this tough job market, you might not get to be the graphic designer at a large advertising firm or the project manager at a hospital. In other words, landing your first- choice career right out of college is pretty rare. So be willing apply for something that presents an opportunity for growth and see where it takes you.
3. Get a dog. Nothing teaches you selfless responsibility more quickly than a puppy! You learn to get out of bed when they need to go out or clean up the mess that is sure to result. Plus, a dog offers companionship if you...
4. Move away. Granted, I don't mean cross country but get as far away from home as you are comfortable. For some, this might mean 5 blocks and for others it might mean 2,500 miles. Go where feels right and don't look back.
5. Visit friends. I have been so lucky this year to visit my amazing friends! During your first year out of college, taking the time off of work to jet off to visit friends is very worth it.
6. Start drinking good beer. Bud light, Natty light and Keystone are now in your past. Upgrade. Really.
Congratulations to all the 2010 graduates!
And for all of you with pups, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! :-)
Finally, a wine recommendation: if you're ready for a sweet summer wine, check out the amazing Vouvray offerings this summer. Amazing Vouvrays come from the Loire valley (this type of wine is a France-specific and made from Chenin blanc grapes). I recommend a demi-sec or Moelleux (the two middle of the road options on the sweetness scale) Vouvray. A sparkling Vouvray can be an excellent alternative to champagne! Enjoy!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
It's all in the details
Isn't it always the little things that matter most? Routine and unplanned, you gotta take pleasure in the details. I decided last weekend when Henry got to take his first swimming trip of the year (see picture to the side) having a dog really increases your daily dose of laughter.
But there are so many other small things that make a mundane more fun. For me, a great movie, time to read my book, French press coffee and new running shoes have added serious enjoyment to my last few days. Plus, the weather is getting warmer, the weekly farmer's market is open and I got a grill! So much to enjoy this summer.
Next weekend I am jetting out to St. Louis to visit Paige! We are in for SO. MUCH. FUN. I have been incredibly lucky this Spring to visit a lot of friends! :-) Unfortunately, I'll be missing two weddings of good friends next weekend. Kelsey (former Pi Phi president, for those of you in the K-State crowd) and my friend Crystelle (a long time friend who lives in Utah) are both tying the knot on May Day. Two great couples who will be enjoying BIG events in less than a week! Congratulations to Crystelle and Jeff and Kelsey and Jeremy.
So while I was sitting thinking about my wine recommendation of the week, I had to poke a little fun at Bryce. A newly minted wine connoisseur, he is discovering the wonderful world of wine. But...he is obsessed with one small vineyard in California and I'm getting a little worried that if it isn't a 2007 Russian River Valley Pinot Noir (particularly from the wine maker Bogle), he isn't going to like it! My new mission: get him obsessively hooked on another variety. Next up: Syrah/Shiraz. So one final Pinot Noir recommendation: Rodney Strong 2007 Russian River. Yeah, that's right, it's pretty good stuff.
A wonderful week to you all!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Snowboarding and Slot Machines
Hey all!
I hope April is showering you with fun and happy times! It seems April is the month of birthdays. Bryce turned old, Henry turned 1 and a few other friends celebrated various ages in between.
For Henry's b-day he got a trip to the groomers where he came out looking like a lion as opposed to his normal punk rocker look. Henry+blow dryer= poof.
For Bryce's b-day we had a wonderful Italian dinner with his family followed by a fun weekend. Saturday started with a trip to Breckenridge for snowboarding and then the fun continued at one of the Blackhawk casinos! Somehow we managed to gamble for over four hours without losing money despite neither of us being experienced blackjack players. I think my friend Ally had it right when she said, "Don't put anything on the table you aren't willing to lose and stay away from those bloody slot machines!" Wise words.
Another exciting piece of April news is my long-awaited furniture delivery! At the beginning of March I bought a new bed and switched my queen bed to the guest room. To make a very long and aggravating story short, I just was able to get it delivered last week. Luckily, it was worth the wait! It's a big, wooden Pottery Barn bed and I promise to have some pictures up soon.
Wine recommendation of the week: At Bryce's birthday we had a great bottle of red and a wonderful white. In the spirit of summer drinking, I'd recommend the apple-y and sweet white! It was a 2007 Orvieto Classico from Orvieto, Italy. Fruity and delicious Orvietos are easy to find for under $20. If you aren't a white drinker, the 2006 Chianti Classico goes great with rich Italian food, red sauces and chocolate desserts!
To end this update, I'd like to recommend some food for thought. We watched the Michael Moore documentary called Capitalism, A Love Story over the weekend and it is a must-watch for any informed American. Whether you agree with Moore or not (past works include Sicko and Fahrenheit 9/11) it is an eye-opener to an imperfect system where the imbalances in wealth and ownership grow ever-wider. I'd love to hear what you all think of it so feel free to post comments here!
Thinking of you all,
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Springing into Spring
Hey guys and gals!
We in Boulder had our first 80-degree day yesterday! It was a fabulous day for dog walking and made me sad to be inside all day!
And speaking of being inside, work has gotten incredibly busy. I've now worked there almost eight months and this is by far the most work I've had come at me at the same time. Even though there aren't enough hours in the day (I get there at about 7 and leave just before 5) the days fly by.
Right now I'm loving...
1. Hootie and the Blowfish- wonderful summer music
2. My car finally got an oil change along with every-other-liquid-change. Poor thing had been neglected so now I'm enjoying driving in general more since I know it's in better shape.
3. Riding Bryce's motorcycle with him. Super fun and he got me a helmet, safety first :-)
4. Wine. As you might know, I'm a pretty staunch red fan but summer is a good excuse to dapple in some whites. When I find great ones, I'll post them up here but right now the favorite at my house has been Bogle 2007 Russian River Pinot Noir. Hard to find but worth the search. Kamiak makes a fantastic California white that is a sav blanc and chardonnay mix that'd I would recommend as well.
I am SUPER excited to visit my family in just two days! Hiking, biking with Graham, eating at Nic's and testing out my parent's new addition on their house is going to be a blast. And after this trip....get excited to hear about my next voyage! At the end of April I'll be off to St. Louis to visit Paige for shopping, dining and a full weekend of girl talk!
Henry will be one year old next week so I hope the weather is perfect for a dog park visit. Be thinking of him April 3!
Lots of love to you all.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Visits and Visiting
These beautiful spring months have been the months of visits and visiting! First, I have to again thank Rachael and Mark for being fantastic tour guides during our visit to North Carolina! We ate some wonderful southern food, played a little Guitar Hero, strolled around the Wake Forest campus and spent time catching up. What a great weekend!
Another visit during late February/early March was our family friend Cait. Cait was visiting the University of Colorado on the last of her many college admissions visits. I got a text from her the other day saying she has narrowed it down to two schools and CU is at the top of the list! Best of luck to her while she makes a lot of tough choices.
And currently, I have another visitor! My long-time friend Meghan is here with her 6-month old pup Autumn. Henry and Autumn are an absolute riot. From getting each other in trouble to stealing toys and food, they are having a blast and I think Henry will be very sad for her to leave. As for me and Meghan, I am enjoying the company, girl chats and live in Henry-sitter and she's enjoying her last college Spring Break! Meghan also got to meet Bryce over the weekend for some beers, wine and chili. It's going to be a fun week!
The next visit is going to be a trip to sunny, beautiful Arizona! As a little surprise, I bought tickets for Bryce and me to visit my parents and Graham the first weekend in April. So we will have three days of fun in the southwestern sun! As a little pre-payback for meeting my parents, Bryce is determined that I meet all of his family before we leave. Conveniently, they all live in the Denver area. So far I've met his dad, one of his sisters and two cousins and I'm sure he has more family times lined up I don't even know about yet. :-) They are all wonderful so bring it on.
Lots of love and warm, sunny weather to all of you!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
5280. It's the height in feet of Denver. It's the name of Denver's magazine. It's how many calories I consumed in the first 45 minutes of dinner last night. It's also how many calories I ate in the second 45 minutes. It is 5280 restaurant week. Yum.
Each year for about two weeks, all the fine dining establishments in Denver open their doors with a special prix fixe menu and about five choices for each of three courses. From the Capital Grill to the Broker and from Fago de Chao to the Melting Pot, they all participate in this gluttonous affair. And it is sooooo good.
Last week we hit up the Broker, an upscale steakhouse where seating is entirely in the vault of an old Denver bank. Great steaks, great ambiance, and it was great to hang out with Bryce as well. (especially because, again, I know he's reading this)
And then last night we went to Oceanaire Seafood Room. Great wine list and absolutely five-star service. Phenomenal place!
I know it does weigh into my opinion that my significant other lives there, but the Mile High City is really starting to grow on me. Denver is fun, clean, urban and still navigable.
Other updates: Cait had a great visit and loved CU! She still has one more school to hear from before she makes her decision. This Friday is the big NC trip! Good luck with your tests this week Rach! We are thinking of you.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Eastbound and Down
If you're a Danny McBride fan, you've likely seen the show "Eastbound and Down" about a too old, too fat and too untalented former major league baseball star...who is now a middle school gym teacher. Bryce and I kicked back and watched a few episodes this weekend and, lemme tell you, it's pretty funny stuff. Another HBO great.
But not only is Eastbound and Down the name of a show, it is also the direction I will be headed in just under two weeks! Look out North Carolina! Can't wait to see you Rach and thanks for the nod in your last blog post.
This weekend will bring another visitor to my little casita. The Campbells, some of our closest family friends, have a college-age daughter who was accepted to the University of Colorado! Cait will be flying out this Thursday to visit the campus and Boulder to see if it's a good fit for her. Of course, I can't wait to play host again!
I hope all of you had wonderful Valentine's Days and are looking forward to warmer spring weather!
Much love, much laughter and much fun to all of you.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Has it been so long?
Hello blogger ladies!
Has it been a month for me? Apologies are in order! Things have been busy, but not busy enough to neglect my cyber gals.
First and foremost, I must mention my new beau who is likely reading this after discovering my blog during an early-relationship google session. Hi Bryce! Thanks for reading!
The biggest news here is our trip to North Carolina in March to visit Princess Alice! Woohoo! Can't wait! The only downside is that it will be a quick trip but, as they say, short and sweet. Besides the fun post-Valentine's Day trip, the only other news is Henry's latest escapade...
I think he is having a problem adjusting to not receiving 100% of my time and attention and his solution to that problem was to eat a good portion of my leather chair. Henry, as you all know, has not be a destructive dog and right on his 10 month birthday, he spent the day tearing up the foam and leather on the foot part of my recliner.
While he was in big trouble, life goes on.
What's new with all of you? Is it Spring yet where you all are? Any Spring Break plans?
Lots of love from Boulder.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Has anyone else noticed how cold it is? All my Kansas friends are freezing right now with more snow and lower temperatures than Kansas has seen in a long time. After my wonderful New Years visit to OP, it was the first time I have ever seen my car thermometer RISE when traveling West on I-70!
Gosh, it's great to be back in the swing of things after the holidays. I think living in Boulder is turning me into a homebody- I never want to leave and I can't wait to get back. However, absolute highlight of the holiday season was my trip to Overland Park. Thanks again to Megan, Chris and Scout for their wonderful hospitality! Henry and I miss you guys! And of course, it was wonderful to spend so much time with my east coast buddy as well. It was good to see in person that Rach survived the first semester of law school!
2010 is already brining new challenges in my job. Things are picking up and I can't wait for the increased responsibility. I also received an iPhone from work the other day. And, while I am a HUGE fan of the phone, it is going to be hard to acclimate to being "connected" 24/7.
Henry is already back in his Boulder groove. He seems to have claimed my leather chair for his "lookout post." Everyday when I get home from work, I catch him perched up there keeping an eye on the birds.
Cheers to 2010! May it bring you all great happiness, great success and lots of FUN! Stay warm.
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Sheep Herding

Graham is here to visit for the summer and he and Henry are um...coming to terms with each other.